Vision and Mission statements are the cause of much discussion and debate when I’m working with clients. There seems to be a lot of confusion on what the difference is and what the point is in having them.
Lets take that last point first, what is the point in having them? To be honest there is absolutely no point in having them if they don’t mean anything and don’t truly reflect what a company stands for, its values or provides a road map on how the Company is going to succeed. Having Vision and Mission statements that don’t mirror how a company actually engages with its staff and customers is a waste of time and money and causes disharmony especially amongst the staff.
So what are Vision and Mission statements and how do they differ?
A Vision Statement sets out a company’s long-term goals and aspirations clearly and concisely. Vision goes beyond what one individual can achieve. If a vision has real value it does more than includes others; it inspires them, adds value to them, and unites them to your cause. Any successful company will have a vision. It is a snapshot of what a company will look like at a certain point in time, what it will be doing, and what effect you will be having.
A vision transforms the Company. It provides a picture of what could be. It is a catalyst that can propel a company to move toward that dream. A vision may also indicate how the Company will act. A vision aligns people in activities that matter across the business. A vision facilitates goal setting and planning.
A Mission starts by clearly articulating the company’s purpose, business, and values. It’s what the company does and what it is working to accomplish. It is a defining element of how a company will behave and what others should expect from them. It also is a boundary for things they will do and things they will avoid. A mission statement helps employees understand where their contribution fits into the company’s objectives. It also helps other stakeholders decide whether they want to do business with the company.
A simple way to put it is the Vision is future based “what do we want to achieve” and the Mission is now, ” how are we going to achieve our Vision?”
During the sessions with our clients we work through their Vision and Mission statements to help them fully engage in their business and the difference they are looking too make. We then help them craft an easily repeatable compelling message for them to engage their staff, customers, and referral partners so they can easily buy into their company.
Vision and Mission statements are really important in defining your Company and the difference you want to make for your customers. They also enable you to stay on track and inspire you and your employees when things are tough.
If well crafted Vision and Mission statements didn’t work, then you can guarantee the massive global companies wouldn’t invest their time and effort in them.
I’ll be looking at Vision and Mission statements over the next few weeks and would love your own personal thoughts on them.
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