Clearly over the course of the pandemic, many of us have just been glad to get business, any business, to pay the bills. That’s a perfectly valid strategy but as we (hopefully) see a return to business opening up fully, now is a good time to review our strategy and what it is we really want.
Here at Asentiv our mission is to give you ‘an amazing business and spectacular life’, and whilst it’s true that none of us have been leading truly spectacular lives of late, we really believe that is our mission in what we do going forward.
When I talk to my network about my ‘Get More Clients Now!’ workshops (see calendar for this dates this year), I am careful to position it as:
‘Get more of the clients you want, the ones you love working with, and who pay you what you deserve’
After all, what is the point of doing stuff you don’t like doing, for people you don’t like working for and then haggling about your bill at the end of it?
So as confidence grows in our economy, when we are vaccinated and we enter into a brave new world of commerce; how about reviewing your priorities and help your network to help you find the right business?
Think of your ideal client, the sort of client that when you see their number come up, your heart sings rather than sinks.
• Why do you love working with them?
• How do you add value to them?
• How do they feel about you?
• What kind of relationship do you have?
• How is the relationship when money enters into it?
• What values do you share?
• What benefits do you get for having them as a client?
Now imagine what life would be like for you and those around you, if you had more of that.
That’s what we do at Asentiv, I know how important it is to have great clients where your relationship is foremost and is built on mutual respect and trust.
They are out there. You just need to decide, do I want more business or more of the right kind of business?